Dialogue and Discourse (D&D) is the first peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated exclusively to work that deals with language "beyond the single sentence". The journal adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, accepting work from Linguistics, Computer Science, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, and other associated fields with an interest in formally, technically, empirically or experimentally rigorous approaches. We are committed to ensuring the highest editorial standards and rigorous peer-review of all submissions, while granting open access to all interested readers.
Dialogue and Discourse publishes two regular issues a year, in addition to occasional special issues.
D&D is endorsed by SIGdial, SemDial, and AMLaP.
D&D is indexed by: DBPL Bibliography, the Directory of Open Access Journals, the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Linguistics and Language Behavious Abstracts, Linguistics Abstracts Online, Linguistic Bibliography Online, the MLA International Bibliography, Scopus.
D&D has an h-index of 30 (as of January 2024) on Google Scholar. For details, see the journal's page.
D&D gratefully acknowledges support by Bielefeld University Library, who hosted our journal management system until 2020, and the library of the University of Illinois at Chicago, who took over in 2020.
We are open for submissions to issue 16(1), 2025
Please find the call for papers here.